Category Archives: Civil Appeals

What is a Statement On Transcript in Wisconsin?

When you decide to initiate a civil or criminal appeal, the first action you must take is to file your Notice of Appeal in the circuit court that issued the judgment from which you are appealing. The date of filing for your Notice of Appeal begins the clock ticking on numerous critical deadlines. One such deadline […]

Can You Appeal a Small Claims Judgment in Wisconsin?

Yes, once you’ve got a judgment from the circuit court. In Wisconsin, small claims cases are generally decided by a court commissioner.  After the court commissioner decides the case, either party may request that the case be decided again in front of a circuit court judge.  The first step is to file a Small Claims […]

Will Appealing a Judgment of Foreclosure Delay the Sheriff Sale?

As is the case with many a legal question, the answer is “Maybe.” You may appeal as a matter of right on foreclosure judgments. That means that the Court of Appeals will definitely hear your appeal (in other cases, you have to ask permission to appeal, but not in the case of foreclosure judgments). However, […]

What is a Civil Appeal in Wisconsin?

Through a civil appeal, a litigant asks the Court of Appeals to reverse a final judgment or decision made by the Circuit Court. Appellate arguments are often based on complex legal interpretations. To locate “appealable issues,” in your case, you must carefully review the written record for procedural errors. A civil appeal is not an […]