Many courts have instituted an electronic system for briefs and other documents. While these courts still require paper copies of most briefs, they require an additional, electronic copy to be filed through their Web site.
In Wisconsin, for example, attorneys are required to file an electronic copy of briefs in the court of appeals and supreme court, but not in the circuit courts. Unrepresented litigants may electronically file their briefs as well, but are not required to do so. To determine whether your case requires electronic filing, check the local court Web site, or call the clerk of courts.
The electronic filing web page for your local court will provide instructions for how to electronically file a document in your jurisdiction. Typically, this involves uploading a PDF copy of the brief, minus any appendix. Most courts require that the brief be e-filed on the same day that the physical copies are filed.
To speak with a knowledgeable attorney about your appeal, contact the Alderman law Firm today for your free consultation by calling 720-588-3529 (CO) or 608-620-3529 (WI).