Among all the factors that go into selecting a Wisconsin appeals lawyer, the most important are experience and dedication. An appeals litigant will gain no advantage by hiring a local attorney who lacks these qualities.
In contrast to the many court appearances necessary at the trial level, almost all of the work for a case on appeal occurs on paper. There are very few, if any, hearings scheduled for an appeal. Should a court event be scheduled, it will take place at the Wisconsin Court of Appeals, which is located in Madison.
The Alderman Law Firm is therefore able to assist clients and other attorneys all across the state of Wisconsin. Our close proximity to the Court of Appeals allows us to attend hearings and complete filings at a reasonable cost to the client, as we are not traveling in from outside Dane County.
If you are interested in having a WIsconsin appeals lawyer assist with your appeal, please contact The Alderman Law Firm today for your free consultation by calling 720-588-3529 (CO) or 608-620-3529 (WI).